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Weekly Devotion: Doing Our Role
Doing Our Role
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace.
Today’s Scripture & Insight: Hebrews 6:9–12
When two of my grandchildren tried out for the musical Alice in Wonderland Jr., their hearts were set on getting leading roles. Maggie wanted to be young Alice, and Katie thought Mathilda would be a good role. But they were chosen to be flowers. Not exactly a ticket to Broadway.
Yet my daughter said the girls were “excited for their friends who got the [leading roles]. Their joy seemed greater cheering for their friends and sharing in their excitement.”
What a picture of how our interactions with each other in the body of Christ should look! Every local church has what might be considered key roles. But it also needs the flowers—the ones who do vital but not-so-high-profile work. If others get roles we desire, may we choose to encourage them even as we passionately fulfill the roles God has given us.
In fact, helping and encouraging others is a way to show love for Him. Hebrews 6:10 says, “[God] will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people.” And no gift from His hand is unimportant: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace” (1 Peter 4:10).
Imagine a church of encouragers diligently using their God-given gifts to His honor (Hebrews 6:10). That makes for joy!
By: Dave Branon
Reflect & Pray
Do you know someone who received a position, task, or role you wanted, yet could use your encouragement? Why is it good to thank God for the tasks He’s given you in serving others?
Sovereign God, help me not to focus on the roles of other, but to serve You in the sacred calling You’ve given me. Enable me to help others by a word of encouragement for what they do for You.
Weekly Announcements
Bible Verse
Weekly Devotion: God Hears Everything
God Hears Everything
Let it be known today that you are God.
Today’s Scripture & Insight: 1 Kings 18:25–27, 30-38
One of the longest-recorded postal delays in history lasted eighty-nine years. In 2008 a homeowner in the UK received an invitation to a party originally mailed in 1919 to a former resident of her address. The note was placed in her mailbox via the Royal Mail, but the reason behind its long delay remains a mystery.
Even the best human efforts at communication sometimes let us down, but Scripture makes clear that God never fails to hear His faithful people. In 1 Kings 18, Elijah demonstrated the striking contrast between the pagan god Baal and Jehovah God. In a showdown to demonstrate who the true God was, after Baal’s prophets had prayed for hours, Elijah taunted them: “Shout louder! . . . Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened” (v. 27). Then Elijah prayed for Jehovah to answer so that His people might return to faith, and God’s power was clearly displayed.
While our prayers may not always be answered as immediately as Elijah’s was, we can be assured that God hears them (Psalm 34:17). The Bible reminds us that He treasures our prayers so much that He keeps them before Him in “golden bowls,” like precious incense (Revelation 5:8). God will answer every prayer in His own perfect wisdom and way. There are no lost letters in heaven.
By: James Banks
Reflect & Pray
What does it mean to you that God cares enough to listen to your prayers? How will you thank Him for His faithfulness to hear you today?
Father, how amazing You are to always hear my prayers! I praise You because my prayers are precious to You.
Weekly Announcements
Bible Verses
Weekly Devotion: Stronger than Love
Stronger than Hate
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
Today’s Scripture & Insight: Luke 23:32–34, 44–46
Within twenty-four hours of his mother Sharonda’s tragic death, Chris found himself uttering these powerful, grace-filled words: “Love is stronger than hate.” His mother, along with eight others, had been killed at a Wednesday night Bible study in Charleston, South Carolina. What was it that had so shaped this teenager’s life that these words could flow from his lips and his heart? Chris is a believer in Jesus whose mother had “loved everybody with all her heart.”
In Luke 23:26–49 we get a front row seat to an execution scene that included two criminals and the innocent Jesus (v. 32). All three were crucified (v. 33). Amid the gasps and sighs and the likely groans from those hanging on the crosses, the following words of Jesus could be heard: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (v. 34). The hate-filled initiative of the religious leaders had resulted in the crucifixion of the very One who championed love. Though in agony, Jesus’ love continued to triumph.
How have you or someone you love been the target of hate, ill-will, bitterness, or ugliness? May your pain prompt your prayers, and may the example of Jesus and people like Chris encourage you by the power of the Spirit to choose love over hate.
By: Arthur Jackson
Reflect & Pray
When have you found it hard to love someone? Is there someone you find it hard to forgive now? What steps might you take?
Father, forgive me when I find it hard to forgive others. Help me to demonstrate that love is stronger than hate.